Monday 30 March 2015

TBT to January

December was a homesick all day every day kind of month for me. Thanks to Skype, FaceTime and WhatsApp I managed to get through it (Drama Jess reporting for duty). When I saw my roster for January I was happier than Pharrel because I was lucky enough to be seeing so many familiar faces! My destinations were: Milan, NYC, Toronto and Singapore. 

I started the month with a multi-sector Milano-NYC trip where I was supposed to see Maria but she got sick like a dawggggg and couldn't fly for a few days, forcing her to stay in Barbados longer than planned (what a hard life she has, but someone's gotta do it). Obviously I was disappointed but that's life and thankfully the crew on this trip were absolutely amazing and I enjoyed it so much! The highlights for me were the food in Italy, unexpectedly seeing the Duomo when I was lost all by myself in Milan feeling a panic attack coming on, falling in love with New York from the moment I stepped into the streets, and just the crew in general because they were so great! I cannot wait to go back to New York; I really think I need to spend at least a month there to fully take it all in. I'm typing this post at the end of March and I still smile when I think of this trip which was at the beginning of January, just thought I should letcha know :D

Snowy Central Park
Times Square

Next up was the star of my month... TORONTO! When I saw that "YYZ" airport code on my roster I had to look at it for a very long time (and then some) to believe it was true.. I didn't want to get too excited, though,  because our rosters can change for any and every reason at all so I told myself that when the aircraft touched down in Toronto I was allowed to be excited. This trip meant so much to me because I was able to see sooooooo many people from home - it's like I was there - except for the fact that it was like -10 outside with a 100% chance of snow. I didn't do anything touristy in Canada because I used to live there so I just spent as much time with my home peeps for the short 53 hours that I was there - unless of course you count having Tim Hortons like 3 times as a touristy thing to do because I SO did that. NO SHAME!

Singapore was awesome as well and it was another "insta-love" destination for me. We (the crew) had a very long day of work operating first a flight to Colombo in Sri Lanka and then continuing on to Singapore. I think by the time we checked into the amazing hotel in Singapore we had been on duty for 14 hours or so. Any normal person would want to go straight to sleep after such a long day but instead we ventured to the 73rd floor of the hotel to the bar for some drinks with a stunning city lights view. It was the first and up to now, only time in my experiences that all 7 of the crew from economy class went out all together and it was so nice!  I checked my phone around midnight/1 AM to see a message from a close family friend, Charissa, who I was planning to visit the next day. In the message she said that she was downstairs and that we were going for foot massages. Um, okay! Do you think I was going to say no to that after the kind of day that I had?! Apparently its normal to go for a foot massage in the middle of the night in Singapore. It was so great, I fell asleep half way through and woke up to a cup of tea next to me - heavennnnnnn. The next day I spent with Charissa and her two daughters - more familiar faces = Happy Jess!

At the end of the month I had two more Milan flights and this time Maria was there, so I managed to see her and meet her awesome friends! My flight landed late and I missed the first train to the city so by the time I got to the station I was very frustrated and to add to everything, the ticket machine refused to take my money. Thankfully, the kind and patient man behind me informed me that I was trying to give the machine Canadian dollars - no wonder it wouldn't take my money #CabinCrewProblems. That moment made me smile and changed my whole entire mood. On the train, I had all my makeup sprawled out in the seat next to me and I spent the entire 45 minute journey getting myself ready for the night (because I was so late). The conductor kept coming out to chat with me and he only spoke Italian so we tried to have a conversation with my out of practice Italian, and to say the least, it didn't really work. I gathered that he liked my perfume and that he has no idea where/what/who Barbados/the Caribbean/Rihanna is.

Thanks so much for wanting to share and relive my moments with me by reading this far! I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing :) I will try to update about February soon.. so that I can get around to writing about March!

Have a great day/night/weekend/week/month :)

Lots of love and smiles!

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