Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Little Things

Sometimes life seems dull. The keyword in that sentence is "seems" because even when things aren't as glamourous and fabulous as we'd like, I'm sure you can still look back on each and every day and pick a moment, an event, a conversation or something else that made you smile.

The reason why I said (typed?) what I just did is because recently, life has been feeling pretty dull. But I want to show you some little moments since my last post that were not dull at all, as small as some of them may have been.

For me, glancing at a beautiful sunset or sitting and watching the whole thing if I have time can really make my day. Sunsets can be sooo beautiful and the minutes right after the sun has set are even better. When everyone starts turning on their outside lights and its dark, but not so dark and the sky is about a gazillion colours. Yep, you know what I mean, I think its breathtaking.

We also went to Naru on the South Coast recently and the sushi was amazing as always, and after much debate, we had the donuts which were so worth it (as always).. maybe one day we will forget the debate and just embrace the gluttony from the start. 

Baking always makes me smile, some people can't relate but those that can... go you!
(This recipe coming soon)

And finallyyyyy, selfies are always fun.

So there you have it. A few small moments that weren't so dull after all. I hope that after reading this you feel inspired to think about your "Little Things".

Friday 13 September 2013

How do ya like your eggs?

Hellooo beautiful readers, its Friday, Friday gotta get down on Fridaaaay. Yes, I'm quoting Rebecca Black for the sole purpose of getting that song stuck in your head, you can thank me later.
Today is a very special day and that's because its my first ever recipe post! Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am a shameless foodie and if you don't eat your food, I will (unless it has pickles). 

What I'm sharing with you today is something I tasted a few years ago and loved, and then more recently I started making my own version when I decided that it was time to start putting a bigger effort into healthy eating. My sisters request this all the time, even Shannon who could vie for the title: Pickiest Eater of All Time.

This recipe is really, really simple and it can be varied any way that you like based on what you feel for or what you have inna ya kitchen. So, without further ado, I present.. BAKED EGGS! (Stop making that face, they are actually really yummy).

Here's what you will need to serve about 3-4 people.


6-8 eggs 
1 head of broccoli, chopped
1 small-medium sized onion, diced
2 cloves of garlic, sliced finely
1 medium-sized tomato, diced 
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1/2 sweet pepper (any colour you like), diced
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, grated 
1/4 cup cheddar cheese, grated
3 slices of packaged ham, diced
Salt and pepper to taste
Butter (for the pan)

*These measurements do not have to be exact, its really about what you like and/or what you have. Sometimes when I have left over baked chicken I'll chop up 1 or 2 pieces and add that instead of the ham. And whenever I have fresh mushrooms I throw some in as well.


Pretty oven 350 degrees F 

Chop, dice and slice your broccoli, onion, garlic, sweet pepper, tomato and ham (and anything else you want to add that needs chopping, dicing or slicing), and grate your cheese.

Melt some butter in your non-stick frying pan and add the broccoli, onions and garlic. Let this cook for about 5 minutes at a medium-high heat. At this point I add some salt and pepper to the ingredients in the pan.

Next, add the sweet pepper to the pan, mix the tomato and the tomato sauce together and add that too along with the sliced ham. 

Sprinkle the cheese on top of everything.

Now its time to add the eggs! Turn the heat to low and get a bowl. Crack the first egg in the bowl and be veryyyy careful not to break the yolk (this has no effect on taste but come on, I know you want your finished dish to be pretty). I usually add the first egg to the middle of the frying pan and the other five in a circle around it. You can do whatever you like.

When you've added all your eggs and salt and peppered them you can put your frying pan in the oven (make sure its safe to go in the oven!!) for 15 - 20 minutes.

And voila! Baked eggs!

These can be eaten at any time of the day really and they are pretty healthy too. Hope that you enjoy them!

Saturday 7 September 2013

Cuzz it up!

Today I had a Cuzz Cutter...yet another food gem that you can only find in Barbados. "Cuzz Cafe" is situated on the south coast of Barbados on Pebbles beach. It is very popular among locals and tourists alike and has been put on the list "101 Best Places to Eat Around the World". One of the chefs who was involved in the selection said: "It's a fish shack with a line out the door. From a cook's point of view, everything is wrong with their sandwiches, like the cheese on them, but they're so delicious." (Marcus Samuelsson, New York). I'd say that's a pretty accurate statement.

This "restaurant" does not really have a menu on display, but if you squint your eyes and look really closely into the shack, you can see a piece of paper with the menu options jotted down on it. The best thing to do is ask. You can get:
- Fish, cheese, and a fried egg
- Fish and cheese
- Fish and a friend egg
- 2 friend eggs and bacon
- Fried egg and cheese
- Cheese
- Fried egg

Cuzz is super affordable, the price of a cheese cutter (aka the world famous Bajan "cheese on bread") is 3 BBD and if you get everything it will be $11.

I opted for the whole 9 yards with the fried egg, cheese and fish cutter. It was delicious and really fresh!

Obviously if you go to Cuzz for lunch you are obligated to eat your sandwich on the beautiful Pebbles beach which is a few steps away, just sayin' :).

Sunday 1 September 2013

Not your average fast food joint

Barbados has amazing food at every level: from street food to fine dining there are so many delicious options. These options are (not always, but usually) small, modest and sometimes hard to find. Yesterday I had a late lunch at one of my favourite places. Situated in Eagle Hall, Bridgetown is an extremely popular small bar & rotisserie amongst Bajans. It's called R.A. Mapp (Mapp's for short) and the menu is very simple: rotisserie chicken and chips. You also have the option of tossed salad, macaroni salad or coleslaw but the chicken and chips are the stars of the show and the sweetness is definitely in the sauce. If you haven't had Mapps you haven't lived. Yes, it is really that good. 

Sidenote: If you are reading this and you aren't from Barbados I just want to clear up that we call fries/french fries, chips.

So whats the process when you arrive? Well when its not busy, which is a rare occurrence, you can just walk right up to the counter and place your order. But the words "Mapp's" and "busy" go hand in hand and they have a procedure for everyone to follow. If you aren't a regular it may all seem kind of strange especially since there are no instructions as to what to do. Lucky for you I was paying close attention yesterday so now I'm an expert! 

Ordering at Mapps:
1. Take a number
2. Wait for one of the ladies working to call your number
3. When your hear your number, shout your order
4. The lady will then write down your order on a plastic bag and she or another lady will go get it
5. When your food is ready they put it in the bag and you pay 

If the wait is long like it was yesterday you can enjoy a drink or run across the street and take photos for your blog (I may or may not be be guilty of the latter). 

Mapps has taken something so simple (rotisserie chicken and chips) and perfected it. The food is always fresh, full of the amazing sauce, and generally wonderful. If you haven't had  it make an effort to go because it will not disappoint. I have not tried the salad options but I have heard rave reviews about the coleslaw. Will have to try it next time!